Thursday, March 15, 2012

For the Birds2

The robins returned to a whole lotta snow in the northland, a year ago when I first posted this papercraft story the weather was warm.  This year, spring seems to be dragging her feet and making us wait despite the fact that I would love to wear a spring frock for Easter!

With the arrival of the robins last week I decided to make a little tag book of birds.  The graphics come from a well read, ripped and tattered children's book line called Elf.  The title of this little book is:

As always, my paper crafts tell a story using graphics, scrapbook supplies and 'garnishes' from my stash.  Buttons, string, glitter glue, some silk greens trimmed from the tulips I just put in a vintage planter and a few stickers.  I don't necessarily complete projects in one sitting (or two or three) when there are multiple pages.  I will have a flash of inspiration and add more embellishments later.  Puttering like an old guy in his garage.  'Just a little more, just a few more bits of something.

Those noisy guys
The boys in blue
And just in case winter comes back, Johnny and his birds are back in the barn

Spring in Minnesota, well on the calendar anyway!


  1. What a sweet project. Yes, it is warm. My air conditioner is running. Our allergies are out of control. It is Spring in full bloom. Smiles...Renee

  2. That was a nice flash of inspiration - your tag book turned out great. I work the same way you do - puttering style.

  3. I love your papercrafts. These are so cute!! I do collage, decoupage & other papercrafts myself.


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