Bloggers just know how to have fun! I 'stalked' many blogs for over a year, reading all the creative ideas for crafts and decorating and homemaking. I was in my first tag exchange before I entered the world of bloggers and was matched with Sandy Sandy is from the Upper Midwest and we shared that when we traded tags last October. This spring Sandy and I did a little tag trade on our own. I made my Easter tag and added a few pieces of ephemera and some of my Saturday Evening Post ads knowing she loved vintage kitchen equipment.
The mail carrier brought a box to my door on Thursday; not unlike this vintage story book illustration that I propped in an old brass post office box. It was a surprise full of Easter goodies from Sandy! I haven't had an Easter basket for more years than I am willing to admit so imagine an adult seeing a pastel bouquet of bunny suckers and giggling! An assortment of adorable graphics, some stickers, toys, all wrapped in various colored papers. Oh my goodness, BLOGGERS know how to have fun! I have worked with so many folks who are 'fun impaired', what a welcome change!
Norman Rockwell Cover: April Fools 1945 |
My imaginary friends who blog, you are FUN! NO FOOLIN'!!
And now, a note about mailing: THIS MESSAGE BROUGHT TO YOU BY ME:
"If it fits, it ships!"
If you haven't already gone to your local PO and picked up the small, medium or large size boxes that are FREE; you may want to start! No matter how much your package weighs, if you can put it in the box, it's the same price; $ 8 something and $ 11. something...CHEAP and it's fast and easy. You can even print your postage online; no trips to the Post Office to have things weighed!
"Save time! Save Money!
It's the new Johnson's water repellent Glo-Coat!"
Whoops, there goes that Saturday Evening Post ad in my head!